Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) 2023 - Over 90 Performances and Activities

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Singapore International Festival of Arts promises an exciting celebration of art, culture, and diversity, featuring captivating Singaporean and international productions.

The Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) returns from 19 May to 4 June 2023 with a fascinating theme - The Anatomy of Performance - Some People. Families can expect 90 performances and activities, including 4 newly commissioned productions and 11 invited international presentations across 14 venues, while continuing to keep its digital presence with a new series of writing and animated art.

The festival offers a wide range of activities that cater to all age groups with programmes suitable for families who wish to expose their children to the arts. 

Exploring the Spectrum of Human Experience

"The Anatomy of Performance - Some People", the second subtitle in a three-year arc exploring different perspectives and human experiences. SIFA 2023 will encourage audiences to meditate on the range of human experience and intends to inspire reflection on the depth and diversity of human experiences and how we can find empathy and expand our worldviews through the performance.

One Festival - 3 Platforms

SIFA will be presented across 3 platforms, CREATION, featuring 15 unique presentations including festival commissions and invited works, LIFE PROFUSION, SIFA's parallel virtual entity, and SIFA X, a platform for experimental expression.

Here's a selection of performances that families can look forward to.

HUMANS 2.0 by Circa 

Venue: Esplanade Theatre
Date: 3 Jun 2023 at 8 pm and 4 Jun 2023 at 3 pm
Admission: $38, $48

HUMANS 2.0 by Circa (Australia) is a symphony of acrobatics, sound, and light. It is intimate, primal and deeply engaged - through choreography that blends movement, dance, theatre, and circus, HUMANS 2.0 explores what it means to be human as we struggle to find balance amid constant change and uncertainty.

Created by Circa’s Artistic Director Yaron Lifschitz, with music by composer Ori Lichtik (Sharon Eyal/LEV), lighting by Paul Jackson, and ten of Circa’s finest ensemble members, HUMANS 2.0 follows ten individuals as they begin to move in harmony with each other, before their rhythms shift and physical limits are pushed to the extreme. More than just a showcase of the skill and virtuosity of individual performers, HUMANS 2.0 is about the collective power of the ensemble and its endless sculptural forms and variations -  pushing the boundaries of what circus and acrobatics can be!

Why So Serious? An Acrobatic Workshop for Kids by Circa

Venue: Esplanade Theatre
Dates: 3 Jun 2023, 2.30 pm
Admission: $28 (1 child + 1 observing adult)

Learn a new way to use acrobatics by exploring the movement principles of the scene Why So Serious from Circa’s Humans 2.0. In this workshop acrobatic gestures are integrated with groove-like-movement to create sequences that are unique and personalised to each individual performer.

Recommended for 8 to 12 years old, kids should not wear loose clothings and should have no embellishments that could scratch themselves or others. This workshop will be conducted barefoot.

MATERIA by Andrea Salustri

Venue: SOTA Studio Theatre
Dates: 20 May 2023 at 3 pm & 8 pm, 21 May 2023 at 3 pm
Admission: $38

In this remarkable performance of object theatre, Andrea Salustri explores the possibilities of polystyrene, one of the most common form of plastic. Watch as Andrea uses different ways to interact with it, make it come alive and become the protagonist of the events on stage.

MATERIA inspires us to consider how we engage with objects, allowing them to perform their own artistry and create their own magic. The piece tries not to force a narrative but rather let the audience project their own narrative on the images presented on stage. The immersive experience investigates the borders between contemporary circus, dance, and physical theatre.

We Will Slam You With Our Wings by Joanna Dudley

Venue: Atrium, Victoria Theatre & Victoria Concert Hall

  • Exhibition: 19 May - 4 Jun 2023, 10 am - 9 pm daily
  • Performances: 20 May 2023, 2.30 pm & 7.30 pm

Admission: Free

We Will Slam You With Our Wings is a video and sound installation of seven hanging screens, representing a series of 19th century imperialistic portraits. Instead of the lavish depiction of men, an army of young girls aged 8 to 16 each stand in her own frame, in her own regalia and holding her own stance of power.

Together, they boldly reframe the histories of iconic women through the centuries. We Will Slam You With Our Wings is a show of intergenerational solidarity, strength and power that speaks to the past, the present, and the future. This highly accessible work introduces the themes of female identity and power in a playful manner without being didactic.

Ticketing Details

Tickets to SIFA 2023 are now available and tickets can be booked now! Purchase before 4 Jun 2023 to enjoy bundle discounts of 10% for 3 shows, and 15% for 5 shows (applicable to Cat 1 tickets only). Students, NSF and senior citizens may purchase concession tickets (15% off) before 4 Jun 2023. 

In addition to booking your tickets, do follow SIFA's social media handles on Facebook ( and Instagram ( to stay updated on the latest festival news and highlights.

SIFA 2023 offers an immersive experience into the world of arts, culture, and entertainment. We hope to see you there!


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This article is prepared by

Jiarong Yu
Daddy to 2 adorable little ones. Misses them the moment they are not around, regrets missing them the moment they are around.

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